Poet, author and professor emeritus OISE, University of Toronto
John P. Portelli is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Social Justice Education, OISE, University of Toronto. He has authored, co-authored and co-edited 22 books including four bilingual collections of poetry, a collection of poems translated into Greek (The Loves of Yesterday, Athens: Oropodo, 2020), two collections of short stories (one of which is available in English: Everyday Encounters, Burlington, ON: Word and Deed, 2019), and a novel (Kulħadd barra Fajża, Malta: Horizons, 2018, also available in English, Everyone but Fajza, Word and Deed, and Horizons, 2021). His latest collection of poetry is entitled Dar-Riħ Malizzjuż (Malta: Horizons, 2021).
John’s latest book, Everyone But Fajza is now available! For more information and to read a free chapter, click below.